After Shelly moved, I had Pierson and Angie had her boys, we would walk together. And then we were joined by Shannon and Christie and Liz. Again there were dinners and casual gatherings, and a whole house of sippy cups, diaper bags, and little snacks. And we would marvel to ourselves at the women amongst us, with the younger children, and think how next year their worlds would be so different. How before long they would actually get to talk and visit and not be so vigilant.
Now that my kids are bigger and busier and really stinking heavy to push, this kind of walking girl time dosen’t really work anymore. But there is a whole new crop of babies in the neighborhood, and a whole new set of cute mommy’s experiencing motherhood for the first time. Every time I see them walking down the street two by two, pushing their little charges, it makes me smile and remember when.
I remember when too. Anyone want to buy a serious running jogging stroller for two? It sits idle in the garage. Not sure why I have kept it, I guess the same reason I have the sling in the closet. Memories (sigh.)... (Talley-- still have to get the right account to follow you!)