Saturday, February 14, 2009
Paula's Fresh Garden Salsa
Veggie Bins, Easy Arizona Gardening
It started with salsa. You can't live in the Southwest without good salsa. It's pretty much imperative. What else are you going to eat while you sip margarita's, and drink Mexican beer? Sure you can buy it, but nothing beats homemade. The trouble? Tomatoes that taste like tomatoes!
But gardening in Arizona? SCARY! The dirt is hard, soil and drainage poor, and all those critters! So while on the path to growing salsa with his sweet family, my friend Mike, who is very creative and excellent with design work came up with the veggie bin concept.
Some of the things my friends have successfully grown:
- Jalapenos
- Cantaloupe
- Tomatoes
- Basil
- Cilantro
- Zucchini
- Blueberries
- Strawberries
Mike's bins are galvanized metal with steel mesh on the bottom, and come in a variety of sizes. He runs drip irrigation and covers the bins with a framework of netting to protect his harvest from the birds. After the bins are set up all you need to do is plant and harvest! You don't even have to bend over! Those I know who are using his system have been very successful with their gardens. There is no limit to what you can grow!
To learn more about Veggie Bins contact Mike Nelson
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Singing and Dancing and Finding the Music Again
I'm a child of the 70's! I rocked Sesame Street fever, "doing the Pigeon everyday!", shaking my beak along with Bert and Bernice. The sea of orange Shag carpet was my dance floor, my disco ball, a flashlight my mother shook (often from behind a chair! Bless her Heart!). Mickey Mouse Disco and Meco Wizard of Oz, also had the effect of sending my 8 year old self spinning madly across the floor. Those were the days, when it was all about a Macho duck and there was that great song about YMCA camp. I just couldn't understand when it wasn't like they promised in the song!
In college I came to own a pair of white high heeled clogs that had the ability to magically transport me back to the 70's. Do you have any shoes like that? Shoes that take you somewhere? I wish I had kept them for posterity, and for when I am feeling too old for my own good.
The other night I watched Mamma Mia, for the first time. I know, I am way behind, right? Of course it was silly, or course it was ridiculous, and I kept wondering if Meryl Streep was maybe a little too old in that role, BUT, the way it made me feel! ALIVE! Alone in the living room, my family in bed, I found myself dancing into kitchen for a drink, and days later I am still singing! If only I could remember the words!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Now that my kids are bigger and busier and really stinking heavy to push, this kind of walking girl time dosen’t really work anymore. But there is a whole new crop of babies in the neighborhood, and a whole new set of cute mommy’s experiencing motherhood for the first time. Every time I see them walking down the street two by two, pushing their little charges, it makes me smile and remember when.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
2009 Forecast Summary
Lovers of all things negative and dramatic, the national media often paints a dire picture. While that may be the case in some markets, there is a lot to be optimistic about in Tucson. These are a few points I brought home from Rosey Koberlein's (CEO Long Realty) talk at the Tucson Association of Realtors 2009 forecast meeting.
- Homes Will Sell! Buyers will buy, Sellers will sell!
- Low interest rates....for now
- Low interest rates plus price decline equals housing affordability
- Pima county has a positive growth factor
- Potential housing shortage based on frustrated sellers pulling out of the market, foreclosures, and lack of new builds
- Bargain hunters are back
- Pent up buying frustration: local residents and winter visitors: people have been waiting and waiting.
- January Burst in Tucson properties under contract (numbers from first two weeks)
- Power shift in Washington "Hope Brings Confidence"
It was the house
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